Sharpen your axe

Sharpen your axe

John, a woodcutter, worked for a company for five years but never got a raise. The company hired Bill and within a year he got a raise.

This caused resentment in John and he went to his boss to talk about it. The boss said, "You are still cutting the same number of trees you were cutting five years ago. We are a result-oriented company and would be happy to give you a raise if your productivity goes up."

John went back, started hitting harder and putting in longer hours but he still wasn't able to cut more trees. He went back to his boss and told him his dilemma. The boss told John to go talk to Bill. "Maybe there is something Bill knows that you and l don't."

John asked Bill how he managed to cut more trees. Bill answered, "After every tree l cut, l take a break for two minutes and sharpen my axe. When was the last time you sharpened your axe?" This question hit home like a bullet and John got his answer.

Moral of the story:

If you not getting better you are getting worse! You are too busy doing and trying to achieve that you never take time to learn and grow. Most of us don’t have the time or patience to update skills, knowledge, and beliefs about an industry, or to take time to think and reflect. Many assume that learning ends at school and so sharpening our axe is not a priority. It's important that you sharpen the axe of your life. Here are examples of axe-sharpening activities: **1. Read a book every day.

  1. Have a deep conversation with someone you find interesting.
  2. Pick up a new hobby. Stretch yourself physically, mentally or emotionally.
  3. Overcome a specific fear you have or quit a bad habit.
  4. Have a daily exercise routine or take part in some competition.
  5. Identify your blind spots. Understand, acknowledge, and address them.
  6. Ask for feedback and get a mentor.**
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