Small but Big

Small but Big

He was taking away Brada. "This horse is just useless. We don't need her. My decision is wise so you better stop crying!", he yelled.

"Appa, please don't. I beg you! She is the only friend of Brownie. Just as I need friends, even horses do!" She cried again. "OK. From now you alone will have to take care of them!", he grumped.

It was a happy thing for Ananya as she got her lovely horses back. But she wasn't sure what she was going to do.

Brada was shiny black, tall and beautiful with long soft hair. Brownie was small and cholocate brown in colour with whitish hair. Both looked elegant.

Days and weeks passed and she still thought why was Appa taking Brada away? Just because the horse is blind? That was not done! She had to do something. But what?

Brada could not work in the field. Neither could she play. She stayed lonely till Brownie returned from work.

Ananya wanted to help Brada. She wanted Brada to play, work and roam just like Brownie did!

Two months, and Ananya had done nothing. Appa complained daily.

One fine day, she sat near the horses and thought thought and thought. "A bell!" An idea stroke her mind. She tied both the horses in the barn and ran across the field. She fetched a small bronze bell for Brownie and happily tied it around his neck.

Now it was almost six months, she trained Brada to listen the bell and follow. Brada and Brownie both were smart. Slowly and gradually they learned.

After years, Ananya was elder now. Sitting near her window, she watched the lovely green field. Brownie and Brada were playing around and working with Appa. Brada following Brownie and Brownie checking on Brada if she hears the bell and follows him. Appa was happy too. Ananya had done a small but a big thing.

Moral of the story Small things in life do matter a lot. Nobody is perfect and that we are here to help each other in their challenges. Sometimes we are Brada, having some shortcomings and need other's help while sometimes we are Brownie to guide others in their difficulties!

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